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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Gardening in Bloom: Tips to Beautify Your Home with a Garden

If you are looking to increase the aesthetic value of your home, it is important you take the time and effort to make improvements that do not add significant, long-term costs to you or future owners of the home. Having a garden filled with flowers, plants or even vegetables and herbs is one of the most cost-effective ways to beautify your home and add to its beauty...

Why It is Important to Review Your Insurance Policies on a Yearly Basis

Insurance policies are living documents. They can, and should be, changed periodically to accommodate changes in circumstances and needs of the policyholder. At Instant Insurance in Sorrento, Florida, our agents can assist you with an annual review of your home, auto, and life insurance policies to help ensure you have the coverage you need without paying more than you need to. Reasons to Review Your...

Great Insurance Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Homeowners insurance is not required by law like automobile liability insurance. However, it is required by mortgage companies to protect the lender’s investment. Even if you were able to pay cash for your home, homeowners insurance is an important protection for what is likely your biggest asset. Following are some tips about homeowners insurance for first time home buyers. Get Renters Insurance to Help Lower...

3 Reasons to Have Renters Insurance

Are you a renter in Sorrento? If so, keep in mind that you have a big financial investment in all of your possessions. If you were forced to pay to replace what you have, it would probably cost you tens of thousands of dollars, or even more. There are three major reasons you want to have renters insurance: You can replace what you lost. You...

Safety Tips for New Teen Drivers

As the parent of a teen driver, you may be wondering whether the hands-on-training and various precautions you've taken are going to be enough to keep your child safe when behind the wheel. Whether your child is driving to school, driving to a friend's house, or going on a road trip, safety is of utmost concern. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of teenage death for drivers...